January 2025 Congregational News
Worship Assistants and Acolytes Worship Assistants serve God and St. Paul’s by participating in worship services in a number of meaningful ways. It’s easy to
Worship Assistants and Acolytes Worship Assistants serve God and St. Paul’s by participating in worship services in a number of meaningful ways. It’s easy to
Worship Assistants and Acolytes Worship Assistants serve God and St. Paul’s by participating in worship services in a number of meaningful ways. It’s easy to
In the News – New Bulletin Board outside pavilion, Worship Volunteers Needed and St. Paul’s has a new banner in the Sanctuary
Thank you from Church Staff
Worship Assistants & Acolytes Needed
Sunday School News
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut non suscipit arcu, a venenatis tellus. Praesent in urna lacus. Phasellus eu odio tempor, consequat est
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