
September 2024

We had an amazing summer this year at St. Paul’s. Someone told me that pastors get to take a break and slow down over the summer, but that turned out to be incorrect for me. Instead, we had some amazing events over the summer.

Our summer collection resulted in gathering many different toiletry items, and we made over 130 kits to send to adults in our area. Creating such a great number of kits is an incredible achievement, and I want to thank you for helping our church put this gift of love together so we can serve our community.

We also had an incredible corn roast with many participants (over 120) and new people from the community. The team that prepared and cooked the meal did a fantastic job, and Hanna and I heard many people share how much they enjoyed the food and fellowship.

VBS was also a successful event and enjoyed by all involved. We were able to bring the gospel to the children who participated, and the volunteers had a wonderful bonding experience together. I want to thank you all for participating in the various ministries we had over the summer. This summer was a blessing. I also want to take time to give thanks and praise to God for the blessings he bestowed on us this summer.

In the book of Revelation, chapter five, John writes, 13 And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, saying, ‘To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!’” All of heaven in earth belongs to the Lord our God Jesus Christ and all one day will praise his name. We need to remember why we come to worship and participate in the ministries at St. Paul’s. We do everything we do to the honor and glory of God. We would not have anything if not for him. Let us give any glory we receive from the good momentum we are having and give it all back to God. All the glory belongs to him. We can take the glory given to us and use it to lift ourselves up or we can give the credit where credit is due: Jesus Christ. Amen.

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