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The kids are returning to school (including Sunday School), the leaves are starting to turn, the temperature is getting cooler – – it must be Fall. This is a beautiful time when nature shows us the many splendid colors that are out there. And of course, a time to be thankful for the many gifts that God has given us.
And three gifts that God has given to Saint Paul’s is our wonderful Pastor and Staff that serve our Church and keep things running smoothly. It has been one year since Pastor Jim and Christine began, and six plus months since Sondra began serving as the Administrative Assistant. All three have been doing a fantastic job and we are thankful that they are with us.
Changing gears – the Church Council is working on next year’s Budget which will be available to the congregation later in October. This will be the core agenda item for our November Congregational Meeting (November 17). So please take the time to review and ask any questions you may have.
So, I will leave you with this small quiz:
What happens once in a minute, twice in a moment, but not once in a thousand years?
God Bless,
Council President