Message from Council

Sitting in my office watching the leaves change colors and begin to fall, I look forward to the transition from the cool fall-like weather into the chillier weather of winter.  This also signals the time of Thanksgiving and the move into Advent on December 1st.

There is a great deal to be thankfully for, particularly here at St. Paul’s.  The recent Church Bazaar was a resounding success and many thanks to those who put that program together.   We just received several new families into our congregation and even had a visit from a time traveler!!  Yes, Martin Luther visited the Church on Reformation Sunday.   The overall spirit and energy has been growing and you can feel every week within our sanctuary and congregation.  For this we are very thankful.

From the Church Council we want to thank you in advance for staying after church on November 17th so that we can conduct necessary Church business, we promise to keep it as short as possible.  We will provide a quick update on the State-of-the- Church and review (and approve) the budget for next year.  Please be sure to review a copy of this before the meeting and feel free to ask any questions that you may have.

Finally, please plan to join our Thanksgiving service on Wednesday November 27th.

The answer to last month’s riddle – –  ‘m’

God Bless,
