Welcome to Saint Paul's Lutheran Church

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church is a vibrant, caring, and growing congregation located in the heart of Fulton, Md, halfway between Baltimore and Washington D.C.. We are part of the Delaware / Maryland Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

I'm New

Experience our welcoming community & uplifting services by visiting this week.

What to Expect

Discover the mission, and values by learning more about who we are.


Grow in your faith by joining one of our vibrant and supportive connect groups.

Our Worship Services

Altar at Easter

The services are also available on Zoom. Email the church office for the invite which automatically comes to your inbox on weekends.

Worship Times

Thursday Eucharist 7:00 pm

Experience a more personal worship experience of a small group of people gathered in our chapel. The entire service is based on God’s spoken Word.

Sunday Eucharist 9:30 am

Experience the timeless beauty of our traditional Lutheran worship service in a rural setting filled with classic hymns, meaningful liturgy, and a warm and welcoming congregation.

Latest Message


Welcome our Lead Paster James FitzGerald!

 He grew up in Mount Airy, Maryland. He earned a Master of Divinity from United Lutheran Seminary, a Master of Arts in Education from Albright College, and Bachelor of Arts in History from Albright College. He comes to us having completed his internship at Evangelical Lutheran Church in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, and Trinity Lutheran Church in Rouzerville, Pennsylvania. His favorite part of ministry is preaching and teaching and is skilled at working with children and youth.

Coming up at St. Paul's

Coming up at St. Paul's

Don’t miss out on the chance to connect with our community and deepen your faith.

Ways to Serve