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The Men of St. Paul’s gather on the 2nd Saturday of each month for breakfast, a brief business meeting and devotions. All males in the congregation are welcome and invited to attend! We meet at 8:00 AM
Contact Erik Domaas for more information.
Men of St. Paul’s are invited to meet, usually on the second Saturday of the month, for fellowship, conversation and stewardship activities. We have had book studies, special programs, different activity for charity, maintenance and service projects around the church and grounds, and have participated in the Meals for Grassroots program. It is our intention to be together, work together, study together and pray together as Christian men of our church. All the men of St. Paul’s and your guests are welcomed and encouraged to join us for any or all of our meetings and activities.
To stay up to date on what’s going on, and get inspirational messages, make sure you follow us on social media.