Senior Fellowship

St. Paul's Senior Fellowship is a monthly activity for anyone 60 years of age and older. Meeting every third Tuesday in the months of September through May, we share a meal, talk, learn new things and have some fun! Our activities include a variety entertaining and interesting things like guest speakers, yoga instructors, and musicians. Additionally, we complete at least one service project to help others in need. We average 35-40 attendees from the congregation as well as friends and neighbors.   



Cathy and Joe

Meeting Schedule 2024

Date Speaker or Activity  Topic or Details
Tuesday, Sept. 17th -11:30am Karen Gatzke Downsizing and decluttering
Tuesday, Oct. 15th - 11:30am Howard County Fire Department "Hands Only" CPR and AED use
Tuesday, Nov. 19th -11:30am Pre-Thanksgiving meal Fill shoeboxes for "The Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child."
Tuesday, Dec. 17th - 11:30am Our Fun Gift Exchange More Details Later



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