Holiday Bazaar

Food, Vendors, Silent Auction and much more! October 18th 9am - 2pm

We have available vendor booths and our St. Paul’s shops are getting ready.

Would you like to help?

  • Donate artwork, glassware, china, jewelry, books, small furniture, handmade quilts and crocheted items to our Vintage Chic shop. Barb Glenn and Karen Jennings would love to see what you have. (See notation at bottom.)
  • Sign up to make baked goods to sell at our Taste & See Bakery. Look for information from Hanna FitzGerald to sign up.

Please consider making a monetary donation towards the purchase of items for our Silent Auction baskets.

  • Grab an envelope in the Narthex to donate with your cash or check.
  • Make sure to patronize the local businesses who so generously donated gift cards for our Silent Auction.
  • The funds raised from the Holiday Bazaar have been designated toward improving our building and preserving the legacy of St. Paul's Lutheran Church.

We hope you mark your calendars and plan to support the bazaar!

Got New and Vintage?  - "St. Paul's Vintage Chic" Booth for our Holiday Bazaar - Saturday, October 19

St. Paul's members: You are invited to contribute/donate your no-longer-wanted or needed treasures for sale!

We are seeking items of some value that are new, like-new, or vintage/antique. We encourage you to ask your friends and family as well for donations!

  • What we want are new or newish items like artwork, books, decor, and more, as well as vintage glassware, china, jewelry, books, small furniture, handmade items like quilts, crochet; and more. 

Please connect with Karen ( or Barb ( to discuss your donation.  Thank you for helping us prepare to have an amazing Vintage Chic Booth at the Holiday Bazaar! 





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