We support Grassroots of Howard County
Sue Bell Council Chair
St. Paul's Volunteers - You Make a Difference!
Grassroots Meal
Many St. Paul's volunteers supported the Saturday, August 17, 2024 Grassroots Day Resource Center (DRC) meal: Mike Heyser and the Men's Brotherhood donated leftover food items from the Corn roast (hamburgers, hotdogs, corn, and watermelon), Sally Murphy and Cathy Dymek purchased the additional food needed for the meal; Maureen Arndt, Roz Norman, Erik Domaas, John Bell, and Judy Hewitt prepared the meal; and Bill Hunt, Marshall Scott, Janey Jew, and Sue Bell delivered and served the meal. The menu included grilled hamburgers and hotdogs, coleslaw, chips, watermelon, assorted chips, cookies, iced tea, and lemonade. The meal was very well received by the Grassroots clients and fed approximately 82 people at Grassroots DRC in Jessup, MD. The leftover corn was cut off the cob, frozen and kept at Grassroot DRC for future meals. The remaining leftovers were brought to Grassroots Shelter in Columbia, MD, enough to feed an additional 30 people.
Thank you very much to all the volunteers who supported this meal and helped make it a great success! Your efforts not only provided a delicious, warm meal, but sent a message of kindness and hope to our community members in need.
see this month's newsletter for details
The next Grassroots Meal is Saturday, October 26th. If you are interested in helping, please sign up using Sign-up Genius (https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D45ADAA2DA0FCC07-49766230-splc#/)
or contact me (sue@stpaulslutheran.info).
Continuing Social Outreach Opportunity
We are excited that Saint Paul's has partnered with Mt. Zion Methodist Church Monthly Food Pantry Distribution Program. Food donations can be dropped off in the baskets locate in the Narthex. Peanut Butter, Oatmeal Packets, Cereal and Canned Tuna Fish, Meats, Spaghettios etc. are most needed. Please be sure to check the expiration dates on your donations. Thank you for your support.
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