Parish Council

To Jump to our Parish Care Ministry Contact (click here)

  • President, Russ Werner

  • Vice President, Bret Hassel

  • Secretary, Bob Peters

  • Treasurer, Mike Jennings

  • Financial Secretary,  John Bell

  • Evangelism, John Korslund

    Committee meets 1st Monday of the month

  • Worship & Music, Betty Kerwin

    (Committee meets every two months, date and time to be announced)

  • Social Outreach, Sue Bell and Team

  • Christian Education, Erik Domaas and Team

  • Stewardship

    Joe Dymek

  • Youth & Family, Amy Emad and Jane Hershey

  • Property, John Murphy

  • Photo Coming...

    Communications, Judy Hewitt, Joe MacKrell and Kerry Griffin

Ministry Contacts

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  • St. Paul's Care Ministry, Judy Hewitt-Hassel

    Please call the church office  (301) 725-0241 with any concerns and leave a message for Judy