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Jan – Feb 24 News Update

Church Bulletin Board

Thank You Message from Church Staff

                 The St. Paul’s staff would like to thank all of you for your generous gifts we received this Christmas season. We are blessed to be a part of this church here and look forward to the time we will spend together during this Lent season and beyond.

                 Yours in Christ,

Worship Assistants & ACOLYTES

Worship Assistants serve God and St. Paul’s by participating in worship services in a number of meaningful ways. It’s easy to sign up online at: go/10C0D45ADAA2DA0FCC07-worship2 You can always call or email the church office, so please sign up.

Sunday School News

Advent this year found the Sunday school students enjoying some of the season’s traditions! December 10 found the high school and confirmation classes helping to green the church, while the pre-confirmation class packed boxes with food for our angel tree families. This younger group made snowflake cards for each box.

Then December 17 all classes participated in “Stable Making”! Graham crackers, icing, animal crackers and candy were combined to build some amazing creations! One stable even had a manger!

All children and youth are invited to attend Sunday school. We meet right after Sunday morning worship. We have 4 different classes so there is one for anyone from 0-18 years old. If you have any questions, please ask Barbara Ball

(See pictures of the Sunday school in Stable making in action during December page five and six.)

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