Message from Council

Happy [belated] New Year to everyone, I hope it will bring you happiness, joy, and peace throughout the year. We have a lot planned over the next couple months and would encourage you to join as often as possible. Shrove Tuesday is just around the corner with a delicious pancake dinner the popular Bible Jeopardy (I promise to have new “answers” this year), and then Ash Wednesday there next day (with a services at noon and 7 PM). And the following Wednesday’s leading up to Holy Week, there will be Soup & Salad with Pastor Jim moderating a Bible Study. On Easter Sunday we are planning the morning sunrise service (6:30 am) which may be a bit chilly given that is earlier this year! There will then be a 9:30 service followed by brunch.
So speaking of Easter – this is a call out for any all musicians in the church who like to participate in making some beautiful Easter music. Song selection is in the works and music will be made available in the next couple weeks. Please let me know if you are interested in playing or just want to toot your own horn!
This leads me to a quick discussion about volunteering and/or sharing your talents. There are many ways to share your talents – readers, assisting minister, choir, acolyte, Grass Roots, various church committees, and my personal favorite Church Council. While many of you already serve in these roles, we can always use more help. Please give where you can – you will find it rewarding.
May you all have a blessed day.