(30) Jehovah Nissi

Made by Margaret Keeler. This banner was created for the interfaith choir concert one year and donated to the church.

(33) King of Kings

Cross of the names of God. Made by Sandy August. She saw something similar in a banner book which inspired her to create this design

(55) Wedding Seabird

Often used at weddings at St. Paul. This banner and its’ companion date back to before the current organ with purchased. So that makes them

(56) With this ring

Often used during weddings at St. Paul. Creator: Amie Siebert Companion: banner (55) “Wedding Seabird”

(49) Star with Cross

Made by Amie Siebert. This matches the “Dove with Cross” and is used for all seasons of the church year on the side walls of

(15) Dove with Palm

Made by Amie Siebert. Matches all season banners used on the side walls of the Sanctuary. It was made for Pentecost and its companion is

(29) I Believe

Designed and made by Sandy August for Trinity Sunday.

(18) Easter Sunrise

Made by Betty Kerwin Betty saw this banner hanging in the Westminster Church of the Brethren in Westminster, Maryland and requested the pattern. The request

(25) He Lives

He came, He died, He Lives is a confirmation banner created by Pastor Cathy’s 2005 Confirmation class. Matt Bennett, Monika Halyeck, Ashley Marton, Kalvin Seamonson,