Worship Assistants and Acolytes
Worship Assistants serve God and St. Paul’s by participating in worship services in a number of meaningful ways. It’s easy to sign up online at: https://www.signupgenius.com/ go/10C0D45ADAA2DA0FCC07-worship2 You can always call or email the church office, so please sign up.
Betty Kerwin
Worship and Music Chair
Community of St. Dysmas
Mark your calendars now for the Community of St. Dysmas Annual Meeting! Saturday, January 18, 2025, 10am Delaware-Maryland Synod office and on Zoom. More information will be sent in January.
Greening of the Church
Young Men (Luke Emad and Maddox August) of church taking part in the decorating
Young ladies (Carla Heyser and Zoe Emad) of the church taking part in the greening
Starting the narthex, Sandy August and Judy Hewitt
Hanging greens in the sanctuary
The team working in the sanctuary
Final touches to the narthex.