President's Message

July 2024


I hope this message finds you well and enjoying the warmth of summer with your loved ones. As we embrace this season of growth and renewal, I wanted to share a few updates and thoughts with you all.

Summer has arrived with its longer days and warmer weather, offering us ample opportunities to connect with nature and each other. Whether you're planning a relaxing vacation, enjoying local events, or simply savoring the sunshine in your backyard, I encourage each of you to take time to rejuvenate and recharge.

Looking ahead, we have some exciting events planned for the coming months, including the Corn Roast, Vacation Bible School, Rally Day (with multiple activities in the planning stages), Grass Roots meal preparation, and much more. These occasions provide wonderful opportunities for us to come together as a congregation, share our stories, and deepen our connections.

As your congregational president, I am honored to serve alongside each of you. Your presence and participation enrich our community in countless ways, and I look forward to continuing our journey together. If you have any ideas, concerns, or stories you'd like to share, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or other members of Council.

Wishing you all a joyful and fulfilling summer season.


