.Every congregation most assuredly hopes to grow -- in faith, in prayer, in discipleship, in closeness to Jesus Christ. St. Paul's and its members share this hope. St. Paul's has chosen the closing verses of Matthew as our expressed mission for our Constitution: "Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have told you. I will be with you always, even to the end of the world." Since 1871, we have been a caring Lutheran congregation, with roots as a rural, immigrant agricultural community that has been transformed into a landmark church in an expanding, multicultural bedroom community. St. Paul's has baptized 5th generation descendants of the original founding families as well as new adult believers and babies of young families. We value our tradition-based worship, though not simply because we've always done it that way. We cherish and nurture our rich liturgical heritage and value a strong pastoral ministry in word and sacrament.
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December 3, 2023: We have found a Pastor and are settling back into the routine of making sermon audio available. A virtual option is also available via Zoom. Please email the church office for the invite. The response is automated on the weekends.
Jan 10, 2023: We’re taking a temporary hiatus from posting sermon audio online while we focus on our search for a new pastor. In the meantime, please email the church office to receive a link to the Zoom broadcast of our Sunday worship. CD recordings of Sunday worship are also available by request.