St. Paul's Lutheran Worship Schedule

Worship Schedule

Holy Eucharist:                                 Thursday, 7:00 pm Chapel (also available on Zoom)

                                                             Sunday     9:30 am Sanctuary


Regular Worship Schedule:          Thursday, 7:00 pm Chapel

                                                            Sunday      8:30 am in the Sanctuary

                                                                               11:00 am in the Sanctuary

Current Worship Schedule:          Sunday      9:30 am Summer Schedule (Sanctuary/Pavilion on Alternating Sundays), continues until further notice.


Sunday School 10:45 AM Sunday- Sunday School is offered from September 17 through June on Sunday mornings from 10:30 am to 11:30 am. We offer classes for children from 3 years old through 12th grade. Children learn about God through Bible stories, music, discussion, and crafts. The first regular class is in September on the 17th with the last day in June, If you would like additional information or to sign up, please contact the church office or Barbara Ball. Christian Education council representative.  Email the church office for information.

Child too young for Sunday School you are welcome to come to the Nursery with your child and enjoy conversation time with the other parents.

Confession, Baptism and Marriage Counseling by Appointment . Click the links below for more information.


July 28th - Tenth Sunday of Pentecost.

  • 9:30 am Worship in the Sanctuary (Pastor James) with children's sermon
  •  (Also available on Zoom, Email church office. for the invite.  The response is automated on the weekend.) 
  • 10:45 am No Sunday School till fall

Readings for  28 July

2 Kings 4:42-44

Psalm 145:10-18

Ephesians 3:14-21

John 6:1-21

Bible Readings for                  4 August

Exodus 16:2-4; 9-15

Psalm 78:23-29

Ephesians 4:1-16

John 6:24-35

Worship Assistants

Worship Assistants help the Pastor lead the service.  Our assisting ministers, lectors, ushers, communion assistants, and acolytes are all volunteers.  If you're willing serve, we're happy to show you want to do!

You can now volunteer to read during our on-line services. Contact the church office.

Volunteers are always needed for all services.

Scroll down to see some of the volunteers in action.

Worship Assistant

Serving in Christ's Presence July 28th Indoor

Assisting Minister 9:30 am Erik Domaas

Lector 9:30 am Sandy August

9:30 am Ushers John Murphy and Steve Sealing

9:30 am Zoom TBD

Serving 9:30 am August 4th outdoor

Assisting Minister Russ Werner

9:30 am Lector Russ Werner

9:30 pm Zoom Kerry Griffin

Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God by St. Paul's.

Assisting Minister, Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Acolytes, Ushers and Altar Guild volunteers are still needed.  To sign up, call the Church Office!


Chapel Worship (Thursdays)    Carol Manges

Altar Care                                    Judy Hewitt

Sacristy Lamp                             TBD

Thursday Zoom Tech                John Bell (Assisting Minister Carol Manges, Lector Bob Stumpff)

Votive Candles                           Amy Emad

Lock-up                                       TBD

Organist                                      Christine Grycenkov

Our New Lead Pastor

James FitzGerald

Please join us as you are able. There is a place for you here during the Pentecost Season