This Month's Trivia

Hard to believe we are in the middle of the summer season and Bible School has just wrapped up. For August I thought I would share some “Remember When?” and St. Paul’s trivia that Charles and Judy shared with me, back in June. The first item is about the Parish Hall addition back in 1958 as reported by the Ellicott—City publication on Wednesday, December 19, 1958. The second item of interest is a program from the “Mother Daughter Banquet” held in 1972. I even found some photos of the banquet in the archive which I will share to give you an idea of church life at that point in time.

Parish Hall Under Construction in 1958
Parish Hall Under Construction in 1958

The Ellicott City Times” reports: “FULTON CHURCH ADDITION—A $110,000 addition to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church at Fulton was dedicated November 30. It is an extension to the present church and parish hall. With an entirely new chancel, the church has increased its seating capacity from 200 to 335; and the adjoining parish hall provides for an overflow of 250 more. The basement of the old and new buildings have been converted to educational purposes and provide fifteen Sunday School classrooms. The Rev. Theodor L. Menter is pastor.”

So, who would think that the parish hall cost $110,000 back in 1958. In today’s dollars that would be $1,195,821.80 according to the “CPI Inflation calculator I found on-line.

Would we embark on as bold of improvement project today?
That was the St. Paul’s trivia of the month.

“Remember When?”

(Pastor Sheck was pastor)

Program Cover
Mother - Daughter Program -circa 1972
inside cover
Inside Cover
Table of Contents
Brotherhood Serving in the Kitchen
Anne Bassler Reading toast to mothers.
Mother & Daughter Banquet Guest Table
Anne Bentz sings Brahms Lullaby
Nancy and Jane Gaither singing Duet
Stage set for "Look to the Rainbow"


Respectfully submitted,

Kerry Griffin


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