My St. Paul Story
When I was a little girl, going to kindergarten was optional. So, I didn‘t go. I think it’s because mom prayed so long to have a little girl she wanted me with her as long she could before I had to go off to school. Anyway, Mom (Lillian Kerwin) would go up to church on Friday mornings to practice the organ for Sunday’s services. And she had to take me with her.
I would bring a coloring book and some toys but soon got tired of them. Sliding on the floor under the pews in the church was much more fun. Mom would yell from the organ “Where are you?” and I would pop up between the pews and say “Here I am.”
Mom loved the pipe organ and especially playing the hymns. She started playing in church when she was 18 years old and continued for over 50 years. Only stopping for a few years to have 3 children.
It wasn’t just the music of the hymns, but also the words that meant so much to her. She didn’t just play the notes on the page but the meaning of those words. She played with feeling. And this has been such a big part of my life growing up. Listening to her play.
Many years later handbells entered in my church life.
One day (circa 1985) I was asked by the chairman of the worship and music committee if I wanted to be handbell director.
Eiizabeth Iager was donating a set of handbells in memory of her husband, Ellsworth Iager and they were looking for someone to start and direct a handbell choir. “You sing in the choir. You know music. Would you like to?” “Ahhhh…okay, I guess?” I think I replied.
I had never seen, heard, held or rang a handbell. When they arrived Vicar Jeff Bishoff showed me how to hold one and ring it. I was hooked. I went to festivals & workshops and stayed just one step ahead of the bell choir. I dare say the love of hymns that my mom had is probably why today most of the music the Lutheran Bells play is related to hymns.
Betty Kerwin
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