Remembering our 100th Anniversary - October 2020

As I write this, I can’t believe it is October already and at the same time as COVID-19 drags on it feels like it should be December. October is a special month at St. Paul’s and very special this year as we commemorate 15o years of service and ministry to the community.


It just so happens that this month is also a “Blue Moon” event. October 1st (“Harvest Moon”) which was obscured by rain and the second full moon of the month (blue; “Hunter Moon”) which occurs on Halloween.


How fitting, because how many churches can say they have reached the Sesquicentennial Anniversary?


A look back the Centennial, the year 1970. Pastor Gerald Scheck was Pastor of St. Paul.


Centennial Committee:

C. Ellsworth Iager, Chairman

George W. Renn

Grace F. Bassler

Hebert W. Wessel

Irene Burns

Kenneth W. Grauel

Elaine Bentz


Church Council:

Harry K. Utterback, President

Eugene Titus, Vice President

Mrs. Marian Claussen, Recording Secretary,

Mr. Paul Kapp, Financial Secretary

Donald Simpson, Treasure

Eldon Hart, Parish Education

James Grooms, Publicity

Eugene Titus, Evangelism

Eugene Hillgas & George Emch, Property

Fred Kurrie, Youth

Robert Conn, Stewardship,

Frank Bentz, Worship & Music

Donald Sealing, Loyalty

Organizational Presidents:

Jeanne Sealing, A.L.C.W

Joseph Newcomer, Brotherhood

Mr. & Mrs. Club, George Emch

Luther League, Jason Burns


Our story, appeared in the NEWS LEADER, Laurel, Maryland, September 24th, 1970. (My Grandmother saved a copy of the clipping.)


Pastors of St. Paul’s were listed as:

Rev. Verhoff 1870

Rev. John H. Mengert 1871—9/1872

Rev. Ernst C. Ide, 1873-1876

Rev. Martin Kraft 7/1876—12/1877

Rev. G.H. Brandon 1878

Rev. Ernst C. Ide 9/1879—1897

Rev. Richard A. Salzwdel 10/1897-6/1901

Rev. H.A. Wegner 1901-1904

Rev. C.F. W. Hartlage 1905-1907

Rev. H.F. Richards 1907-1911

Rev. L.P. Propst 9/1911-11/1942

Rev. Aaron A. Anderson 2/1943-9/1948

Rev. Robert F. Hein 9/1949-10/1953

Rev. Alvin F. Burns 8/1961-3/1965

Rev. Ronald F. Christian 7/1965-8/1968

Rev. Gerald E. Scheck 4/1969 -

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Date: Oct 12, 2020
Series: 150th Celebration
Author: Kerry Griffin

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